
We have arrived safely in Manila, our home for the next year! I wanted to give you a snapshot of our first few days:

  • After leaving the states on July 1 and a journey of 24 hours, we arrived in Manila about noon on July 3 (11pm on July 2).
  • We were greeted by Abe from APMM (Asia Pacific Media Ministries) and Mark from AGMF (Assemblies of God Missionary Fellowship) along with his little dog Chico.
  • After stopping at McDonalds for lunch, we went to our new home to drop off all of our suitcases. We meet their friend Lisa and got the tour of our new place before heading back to AGMF, where upon arrival, we crashed and woke up the next day.
  • We slept for about 14 hours in the AGMF building, where we will be staying the next few days.
  • We woke up and waked outside around Quezon City (pronounced "kay-son" as in "on") before enjoying breakfast with two other couples as we started AGMF Orientation!
  • The orientation discussed the history of the AGMF in the Philippines, culture shock, and administrative details.
  • We went to the first and original Max's for lunch (Max is a fried chicken chain here) and had pizza for dinner from Yellow Cab (another chain)

Today we go to get our driver's license to brave the streets of Manila and get our cell phone today! We plan on moving into our apartment by Monday.

Thanks for all your prayers and we will give you more details about our transition soon!

