As we proceed on this journey, Psalm 90:12 resonates in my heart.
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
We are scheduled to leave in ten months. Three hundred days.
Believe it or not, I've already started thinking about what we'll pack to take with us, what we'll pack and store, what we can sell, what we can give to someone who can use it, etc. I'm trying to burn through the many candles we've received as gifts, that I've found on ridiculous clearance, or that are leftover from our wedding. : ) I'm thinking about what we can live without for a year. And what we can live without for more than a year. And what's really important. And what's not.
My days with this group of seventh grade students are numbered. My days with my team of teachers are numbered. My days in Warehouse Student Ministry are numbered. My days at 2332 Reflections Drive are numbered. For a while at least. I'll quite possibly return to each of these after our year in Asia Pacific, but things will be different then. People will be different.
In my women's Bible study, we're studying James. "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him..."
So God, I lack wisdom. I know my days are few. Teach me to number them correctly that I may gain a heart of wisdom. Help me to make the most of each opportunity in the next three hundred days. Give me your eternal perspective.